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Chinese translation for "endowment policy"


Related Translations:
endowment:  n.1.捐赠;捐款;基金;养老金。2.天赋,天资。
endowment assurance:  [insurance] 人寿定期保险。
policy:  n.1.政策,政纲;方针,方向;方法。2.策略;权谋;智慧;精明的行为。3.【军事】政治,行政。4.〔苏格兰语〕〔常 pl.〕别墅的附属庭园。短语和例子a domestic policy 国内政策,内政方针。 a foreign policy 对外[外交]政策。 non-alignment policy 不结盟政策。 policies of war and aggressi
policy shop:  〔美国〕抽彩的商店[场所]。
bargaining policy:  互惠通商政策。
policy maker:  制定政策的人。
policy holder:  保险客户。
ostrich policy:  鸵鸟政策。
voyage policy:  【航海】航次保险。
appeasement policy:  绥靖政策,姑息政策。
Example Sentences:
1.The endowment policy , the bank passbook , the certificate of the possession of scrip
2.If the policy is not a term policy , but is a life policy carrying a surrender value or an endowment policy , are the premiums paid on the policy by the employer deductible
3.If the policy is not a term policy , but is a life policy carrying a surrender value or an endowment policy , are the premiums paid on the policy by the employer deductible
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